Sarah Webb

I'm swimming to support youth mental health

  • This is my first year diving

  • in for youth mental health

This March I've set a challenge to swim 20km in an effort to fundraise for ReachOut.

ReachOut is the leading online mental health service in Australia, supporting young people during tough times.  ReachOut helps young people feel better about today and the future, no matter what challenge they're facing. They provide a safe place where young people can openly express themselves, explore what's happening in their lives, connect with people who understand their situation, and find the resources to help them manage their challenges now and in the future. More than 1 in 3 young people in Australia is currently experiencing a mental health difficulty. But there's an even bigger problem - more than 1 million of them are not accessing professional support, and suicide remains the leading cause of death for 16-24 year olds in Australia.

While I love the water and surf, I am an absolute beginner when it comes to swimming laps, so this distance is a genuine challenge for me. With a swimming pool next to my workplace, and with 21 work days in March, that's 19.05 laps (of 50m) per session! So, it will be a real challenge and one that I'm prepared to take on if it means providing support for this great cause.

As a full-time working Mum to two teens it's hard to be there all of the time. They are growing up in a world with different challenges to what we know. My hope is that should they ever need to speak to someone and cannot reach me, their Dad, or a family member or friend, that they know there is always someone who is available to listen and help; that there is a way through whatever obstacle is before them. They are my motivation for doing this challenge and my drive behind every stroke.

Any support you can give is greatly appreciated.

With much love and thanks,

Day 18 - My swim bubble of happiness

This morning's 5am swim was my favourite so far. I'd given myself the weekend off in order to focus on the family and was happy to be back in the water. Maybe it was the 2 day break, but for some reason today felt easy, like I was in my own swim bubble of happiness. The laps came easy, I didn't feel tired, yet almost swam my best time. Love days like today, and a good reminder that sometimes you just need to pause to keep going.
14kms down.
x S

Day 13 - An unexpected speed session

This morning's 5am swim session was a popular one with all swim lanes occupied. After looking at each swimmer I had no choice but to double up with another freestyler who was so fast. She was great to watch but her skill and speed meant I needed to keep up with her in order to not mess with her own swim. We doubled up for 500m before she moved on and I could finish my 1km at my own pace.
I love watching other swimmers and understanding where their power comes from and then trying to mimic their technique. My lane buddy today had great arm action and was just damn fit. I'm guessing she's been swimming for many years. 
11km down.
x S

Day 11 - 9km's down

Today I paused the 5am alarm and instead enjoyed a lunch-time swim in the glorious sunshine. It has been a while since I've swum outside and there is nothing quite like the feel of the sun on your shoulders as you swim. February is swimming carnival month in Botany and so I had retreated to my local gym and indoor pool for morning swim sessions instead. It was great to see some of the regular lappers returning to the outdoor lanes and I was thrilled to see improvement in my own stroke, now keeping up with those I had watched with awe 5 weeks ago.
Looking forward to another swim in the sunshine tomorrow - and the half-way point to my goal of 20km!

Day 3 - Longest swim yet

Inspired by Sharne's incredible swim yesterday, today I pushed myself and swam my first 2km's (49:59). Wanted to complete in under 50 mins and made it with a second to spare; followed by some time in the spa which was so lovely after a crazy week. 4.5kms down.

Day 2 - 2.5kms down

Day 2 and 2.5kms down in my LapsforLife swim. Met a wonderful L4L Lapper on my way in, Sharne, a swim teacher aiming to swim 5km a day to reach her goal of 100km in March. She’d just hopped out of the pool after 2.5hrs straight! Then it was my turn. Sharne gave me great feedback on my technique which made my day. At the end of my swim I met Marnie, an older gentleman in the lane next to me. I always get really competitive as I near the 1km mark and try to beat my time (my best is 23:40 but was about 45 seconds off this today). I probably looked like I was swimming for Australia as I came past him on my last lap. He told me he gets very competitive too and we had a great chat after my swim about all the different pools in the area and down the south coast. Nice to make new friends.

Day 1 - 50 laps down

Excited to get into the pool this morning to log my first official laps - 50 laps down (1.25km) which is the furthest I've swum yet non-stop. My son is in hospital at the moment so it was a good chance to step away briefly, move my body after a night on a hospital lounge, and clear my mind.
Thinking of my two beautiful kids this morning, as well as those loved and missed who I am swimming for. xx

Training ends as the Challenge begins

Only 1 day until Laps4Life officially begins. I'm really proud that I was able to reach my 20km training goal over the past six weeks. Six weeks ago I had no idea how to swim freestyle. My first swim was 4 x 50m laps of breaststroke and boy was I out of breath after just 200m. Swimming almost every day, I am now able to confidently swim 1km + in a session using proper freestyle technique. This is something I always wished I could do and I've fallen in love with the peace and mental break that swimming gives you. The black (or blue) line at the bottom of the pool has become my new best friend.
My goal for this challenge is to actually reach the 20km goal in 3 weeks, rather than just within the month. Life usually throws a few surprises in the way so I want to make sure I'm swimming as much as I can within a 30 minute period each day. 
Can't wait to get back in the pool tomorrow as the clock resets and start my first Laps4Life challenge.
Thanks to everyone for their support and donations so far.

My Swim Progress

I've swum

22.00km (782 laps)

My Goal


How do you compare to other participants?

Average Distance Swum: 16m

Average Distance Goal: 18KM

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Young people with vital mental health support.

Fundraising Progress



My Goal


So far, you’ve raised 213% of your fundraising goal!



My Team Goal


So far, you’ve raised nan% of your fundraising goal!



All Goal


So far, you’ve raised 97% of your fundraising goal!

Thank you to my Sponsors

Life-Saving Donation


John Phibbs

Thankyou. To borrow the immortal words Children are our future

Life-Saving Donation



Life-Saving Donation


Tom C

Sarah, This is such a great cause and something that's so close to my heart. I lost my older brother and best mate Ollie to mental health struggles in 2021. I think about him every day, but seeing you challenge yourself for such a powerful cause makes me so proud and hopeful for the future where people will be able to get the resources and presence of mind they need to live the happy and healthy lives that they deserve. You rock Sarah - do those laps!

Life-Saving Donation


Matched by Pinnacle Charitable Foundation and Gonski Foundation

Life-Saving Donation


Matched by Pinnacle Charitable Foundation and Gonski Foundation


Michael Zorbas

Fire up Sarah!


John Phibbs

Very worthy cause


Patrick Phibbs

Champion effort Sarah. Champion Cause.


Sarah Webb


Matched by Pinnacle Charitable Foundation and Gonski Foundation


Matched by Reef Shark Foundation


Mark R

Awesome work Sarah!


Kathryn Phibbs

Well done Sarah. We are so proud of you! Xxx


Rebecca Barbour

You are an inspiration, My Friend! X


Catherine Porter


Matched by Neilson Foundation and The Gonski Foundation



Great cause. GOODLUCK!


Margaret McGuness


Pat & Mick Webb


Maria Salmeron

Great effort Sarah and a worthy cause! Well done


Matched by Pinnacle Charitable Foundation and Gonski Foundation


Glenda V