Kirsten Amsden

I'm swimming to raise awareness

  • This is my first year diving

  • in for youth mental health

If you know me, you'll know how passionate I am about supporting the mental health of young people. It is central to both my work and personal life so I am well aware of how valuable the support can be for a struggling child - mine, yours or anyone's. 

Did you know suicide is the leading cause of death for young people in Australia?

That means that each year more young people die by suicide than in car accidents or from cancer. 

This March, I'm swimming to make sure young people in Australia have the mental health support they urgently need.

By sponsoring my challenge, you’ll be helping to prevent youth suicide by contributing towards funding vital support services.  

All funds raised will help young people feel better about today and the future, no matter what challenge they're facing.

I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone by committing to the challenge. Also undertaking the challenge are my brother and sis-in-law, who are both regular swimmers - me... not so much! But we all work in the field of mental heath support, as well as loving and caring for adolescents who have experienced struggles. We're determined to make the most of this month to promote a cause that's important to us all. We'll do the laps and you can support from the sidelines by learning more about ReachOut and maybe even making a donation!

Many thanks for your support and encouragement 🙏🏊


Better late than never

After a covid-affected start to the month, I am finally ready to hit the water and smash out some laps! I might not be heading into the challenge as strong or as soon as I had hoped, but I will do my best to make up for lost time. Here goes...! 

My Swim Progress

I've swum

1.50km (60 laps)

My Goal


How do you compare to other participants?

Average Distance Swum: 16m

Average Distance Goal: 18KM

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Young people with vital mental health support.

Fundraising Progress



My Goal


So far, you’ve raised 71% of your fundraising goal!



My Team Goal


So far, you’ve raised 121% of your fundraising goal!



All Goal


So far, you’ve raised 97% of your fundraising goal!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Cheryl Simkins

My sweet niece Kirsten I hope this helps your good cause.


Charlie Amsden


Ian Amsden

Get swimin'


Kirsten Amsden