Danielle Forer

I'm swimming to save lives

  • This is my second year diving

  • in for youth mental health
I'm setting myself a target of 15kms in open water this March to raise funds for Reach Out to prevent youth suicide. 

As many of you will know I am a regular swimmer, averaging usually about 1.5km a week, so I'm upping the anty for myself this month. Having had a few injuries to contend with over the past 18 months, a chronic muscular condition and some mental health challenges, it's a decent but hopefully realistic challenge for myself. 

There is so much need for mental health supports from the preventative end, to the acute side of things and to help people maintain their recovery from illness. Every dollar counts and will help. 

Thanks for supporting our team if you can. 

Ps I didn't choose dolphin girl as my name.. thanks for the title Kirsten :) I'd like to change it slightly to determined dolphin 😁

Wish us luck


Point Addis

My final swim in March was at Point Addis Bellbrae. It was a stunning day and a gorgeous swim to complete my month of swimming in March. I feel very grateful for the weather which has been lovely throughout March, making my trips to swim very enjoyable. I've surprised myself with upping my swim schedule so much. Having such an important cause to set the goals for and the support of people who've sponsored me has made it an achievable task. 

Anglesea Estuary

I joined the paddle boarders and canoeists to swim the estuary at Anglesea yesterday. I swam up stream to start the swim and used the current on my return. It was a beautiful swim, the sky was clear blue and the air temp was around 25 degrees. Not quite sure of the water temp,but I managed fine without a wetsuit. 
1 swim to go :) 

Twilight beyond the promenade

Gorgeous swim tonight. The water was smooth on the surface and so I couldn't resist going in at Eastern Beach from the shore and swimming on the outside of the promenade. I checked out a few of the yachts, sail boats and catamaran in the water. A party boat went past with I suspect some of Deakin's new students this year. And I saw the spirit of Tassie heading off. Had to navigate some murky water and thick sea grass in a few spots which made for an interesting swim. 

Eastern beach May 25

Another round of laps tonight at Eastern Beach, squeezed in between work and a zoom meeting. 5 kms required this week. That's 1 down,4 to go to meet my goal :) nearly there.

Flipper swim at Eastern Beach

I had intended to swim yesterday evening but a migrane saw me out for the count. 
I was pleased to be fully functioning today and back in the bay. My puffer fish buddy was once again playing in the grasses. We had visitors coming tonight so I donned the flippers to do my laps a bit quicker. Hopefully that's not  cheating.  🙂 I've got 9 days left and 6.5 kms to go. It's going to be a big swimming week. 

Twilight Swim with a puffer fish

I swam 1.5kms tonight at Eastern Beach. I started earlier than last night which enabled me to get some more metres under my belt. There was a gorgeous large puffer fish in the sea grass that swam with me for a few seconds. That was a highlight. 
It was a fab atmosphere down at the Geelong beach promenade. There was a school camp or youth group outing with kids having a ball on the pontoons, spinning wheels and diving platforms. I love that children,young people and adults alike have played and swum here since the area was erected between 1929 and 1939. It really is quite a timeless place. 

Twilight swim on St Pat's day

I had a lovely twilight swim tonight at Eastern Beach. The water was calm, the sun was setting and the half moon was rising. A gorgeous way to finish the weekend but i ran out of light to swim any further. I'll start a bit earlier next time 😀 

Flipper swim at Cosy Corner

There was a 20km/hr south easterly wind today which made for another choppy swim in fairly decent waves. I quite enjoy the tumbler turvy conditions, but I wore my flippers to help me move through the water. The vision was crystal clear which is always lovely. I saw a couple of fish in the water too. I'm aware that it's 2 weeks today for the challenge. I feel I'm on track but I'll need to be consistent with getting in the water this week. 

Eastern beach twilight swim

Jumped in after work today at Eastern Beach. It was so much cooler after our crazy hot weekend. Ahh Victoria 37 one day, 21 the next. I am so grateful to have Eastern beach so close to home. 

Warrnambool ocean fun

We went to the Port Fairy Folk festival this weekend. Staying in Warrnambool with a friend, I got a great swim in at the beach in front of the break wall. And a dip in one of the rivers,which was so refreshing on the two high temp days this long weekend. Looking forward to some more swims this week. 

Swim 2 Cosy Corner Torquay

It was a blustery swim today,very choppy with big waves. Going across with the current was easy, coming back took some effort. There were lots of windsurfers out moving very fast which I kept a close eye out for. It was a fun swim. 

Swim 1 eastern beach

So I've started. Feels good to get the first swim in. Slightly over cast, drizzly morning, water temperature was lovely, although the visibility of the water was low. Lots of sea birds perched on the dive platforms kept me company and a keen labrador who jumped in for a swim too. It was a great swimmer. 

My Swim Progress

I've swum

15.10km (603 laps)

My Goal


How do you compare to other participants?

Average Distance Swum: 16m

Average Distance Goal: 18KM

My Impact

So far this year I helped provide...


Young people with vital mental health support.

Fundraising Progress



My Goal


So far, you’ve raised 120% of your fundraising goal!



My Team Goal


So far, you’ve raised 121% of your fundraising goal!



All Goal


So far, you’ve raised 97% of your fundraising goal!

Funds raised over the years


  • $1,667


Thank you to my Sponsors


Lit Belcher

Hope you don’t have too many easterlies.


Danielle Forer


Jenny Austin

You are amazing Dolphin girl. All the best to you and your team!


Liz Fenwick

Congrats on reaching your swim goal and supporting such a worthy cause Danni. 👏👏


Susan and Adam

Great cause!


Alison Mynard

Well done!!


Rosa & Joe Miot

Great effort Danielle 👏👏👏👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Shane Miller

Yeah Danni! The Millerelli’s are right behind 🏊🏼‍♀️



Well done Danni and team. Helping people get access to mental health is an awesome cause.


Ian Amsden

Keep it up Wifey! Very proud of you doing it all in open water


Leonie Guinane

