Laps for Lachie

Long weekend

past 3 days I have been fitting in my laps around competing at the Victorian metro state championships!

Another splash and dash before school

best way to start the day!! another 3kms banked!!

2.2km this morning at training 😊

88 Laps

Dive in day

kicked off the day with a 3km swim. 🏊🏼‍♀️💪🏾

Laps for Lachie

Last year we honoured Lachie;  our beautiful son, a brother to Cam, a nephew, a cousin and a friend to so many, by bringing the swimming community together with Laps for Lachie as part of Laps for Life. 

Please join us for another year as we aim to raise vital funds that may give life saving support and resources  to those who are desperately needing it. 

The money that our team “Laps for Lachie” raised last year enabled more support workers to be employed, to  be available to chat with those who are needing it. 

Thank you for helping us to keep Lachies spirit alive whilst helping others to avoid the tragedy that our family has experienced. 

See you at the pool!!

Did you know suicide is the leading cause of death for young people in Australia?

That means that each year more young people die by suicide than in car accidents or from cancer.

This March, we’re swimming to make sure young people in Australia have the mental health support they urgently need.

By sponsoring our challenge, you’ll be helping to prevent youth suicide.

All funds raised will help young people feel better about today and the future, no matter what challenge they're facing.

Our Impact

So far this year we helped provide...


Young people with vital mental health support.

Thank you to our Sponsors

Life-Saving Donation


Shannon Hehir

Very proud of you Sissy. Just keep swimming. Xx

Life-Saving Donation


Matt Bonner

Lachie would be incredibly proud of you for doing this Melinda. The way you honour him with such love and dedication is truly beautiful. And your kindness and strength is making a real difference in people's lives. Thank you for all that you do 💙

Life-Saving Donation


Claire Zhang

Life-Saving Donation


Darren Cole

Life-Saving Donation


Tim Woods

Life-Saving Donation


Darren Cole

Life-Saving Donation


Simsic Family

So proud of you ❤️

Life-Saving Donation


Simsic Family

Lachie would be so proud of you Mel. You are making a difference in young people’s lives ❤️☀️

Life-Saving Donation


Go Clancy!!

Life-Saving Donation


Simsic Family

So proud of you ❤️

Life-Saving Donation


Mssssiacono Family

Well done Maso…. Such a great cause for such a sad time 🙏

Life-Saving Donation


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation

Life-Saving Donation


The Rowe Family (matt, Ren, Lara & Robert Xxxxx)

Lachie was such a wonderful young man with the whole world ahead of him. We feel sad, but honoured to support this cause in remembrance of him.

Life-Saving Donation


Matched By Gonski Foundation & The Gpt Group

Life-Saving Donation



So so proud of you mate! 🙏🏻😘


Adrian Wikaira


Auntie Lorrene


Susan Lawrence

Swim Tracey, swim!!!






Renay Potter

Good work Mason x



Couldn’t be more prouder my Linda 🥰 your biggest fan


Gee Bear

Great job on the laps, swimming is a great skill to master, one lap at a time, well done.. 👍🏽


Thea Van Zyl

Well done, James. We are very proud of you.



I’m so proud of you doing this again xx


Annette Parks

Well done! Fantastic work!



Go for gold, Tracey!


Nan Scott

You Got This Girl 🥰❤️


Nicole Johnson


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Therese And Brett Walker

Lachie will be loving your new athletic ability and choice of footwear! Thank you for continuing on with his passion project.


Kiah Delaney

Proud beyond words! Lucky and blessed to know you! You are amazing! Just keep swimming ❤️


Liam Robinson


The Deli On Kinghorne

You go girl 😀 Good luck👍


Belinda Wintershoven

🩵Proud of you Josh🩵 Proud of your passion and dedication supporting mental health charities 🩵We miss you Lachie🩵




Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Tracey Ricchini


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Belinda Gaskell

Holding you all in our thoughts. xx


Tonya Court

"There are no words that can ease the pain of losing Lachie, but please know you are surrounded by love and support. As someone once said, 'When a parent loses a child, they lose a piece of their heart forever.' Lachie’s light, kindness, and beautiful spirit will never be forgotten. My heart is with you and your family always."


Lisa Bohne

You go girl, so proud xx


Lindy Doyle

Keep up the great work Nic your doing amazing job ❤️


Danni Atkin

This hits way to close to home mate, so very proud of you kick this goals butt xxx


Fiona Parkinson

Mel you’re amazing ❤️ Your words and concerns for others are inspirational and I’m sure Lachie is watching on with love and pride , seeing his Mum kicking so many goals . Lots of love to you and the family xxxx


Lachie Ricchini Dash For Cash

Thank you for participating in the MsC event and donating your prize money back. And for also now joining the laps for Lachie team. 🩷🩷🩷


Joyce Stowe

Please let me know how you get on. All the best nanny



Good luck with your swim for such a great cause Mason


Simsic Family

Lachie would be so proud ❤️❤️❤️


Sonia Hanley

Lead the way Trace!!


Nicholas Brady

Keep up the good work


Kim Mcdonough

We will be thinking of you swimming Melinda. Lachie, you and family are always in our thoughts. Matthew and Kim, Harry and Jack


Libby Stobie

So incredibly proud 🥹 just keep swimming. I know Lach’s still around with you all 💙


Matched By Gonski Foundation & The Gpt Group


Catherine Clayton


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Alysa Clorley

Love this cause ❤️


Kadance Power Kahika-lewis


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Vicki Cole

Great way to honour Lachie’s life. He will always be remembered xxx


Matched By Gonski Foundation & The Gpt Group


Stephainne Maguire

Best of luck Nic ☘️ xxx



Such a fantastic cause being supported by a fantastic young lady!


Jodie Stevens

Just keep swimming 🐠!


Margie Gumley

Good luck Laura & enjoy the swim meet.



Go go go!


Belinda Opperman

Amazing Nic , such an incredible cause and family to support !


Ren & Kartz


Georgie H

Go Laura! An amazing effort and important cause.


Lily Gumley

Good Luck James, enjoy the swim meet.


Jane Liauw

Such an important swim! Such an important cause!!You'll ace it, Trace!!


Terry Burns

You should be very proud Mel, I know it’s not easy. Your broken heart will find a way to ease the hurt, but a piece will always be missing so you never forget.


Jane Crulci


Sam Hill

Go Mas!!!!!




Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Terri Mclarty

Great work James. A very important cause.


Michelle Wilson

Mel, your strength and passion to help others in honour of your beautiful, huge hearted boy Lachie is nothing short of amazing. I'm so proud of you and as always sending so much love. ♥️


Gloria & Greg Murray


Barbara Press

You go girl!


Tamera Walsh

Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming! I will give you big hugs when you are done. X


Sandra Johnson

You swim better than your Mum, who swims like a stone!!!


Liam Robinson


Williams Family

Mel, a small donation with a whole lot of heart behind it! You are amazing at being so strong and determined to make something special out of something so devastating. Keep going ! We are cheering you along xx


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Mason Potter


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation



Good luck gorgeous girl! ❤️❤️ love your work


Allan Press

Good luck Tracey.


Marie Ginoski

So proud of you Nic, love you🫶🏻


Simone Mullenger

Go Tracey!


Rachel Howell


Bron Johnson


Christine Thomas

Go You!


Theresa And Ryan

Congratulations Nicole, on taking the plunge to help support others. You got this. All the best to reaching your goal.


Sheila Bodrogkozy


Facebook Donation


Kelly Cain

Arms of steel!!!



Good job Mas!


Facebook Donation


Nicole Russell

You are are so strong Mel, an absolute superstar 😘😘




Collins Family


Anna Arvani

You are phenomenal:))


Liam Robinson


Merrill Hehir

Go Nicole


Aunty Freak

Go Linda


Tracey Mayes


Mandy Saunders



Te Amokura Griggs

Karawhiua tamaahine purotū....enjoy yourself always...Arohanui


Kellie Metcalfe

Woohoo go girl!!


Sarah Hill


Charlotte Willmott

Really proud of you Layla, love you lots xoxo


Facebook Donation


Sewell Family

Great work Mas and team x


Alicia Glover

Well done Nic, so proud of you for swimming laps for such a special cause xxx


Trish T

What a brilliant cause!! Great work Miss K, love your work💪🏊‍♀️


Jamie Hutchins


Lee Green


Kerrie Murray


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Elaine Onekawa


Karlee Mullenger


Boss Lewis

Go hard darling, proud of you 😘


Steven Perkins



Go Linda, you got this 🌟


Mel Daly

So proud of you and such a beautiful honour for Lachie xx


Liam Robinson


Annelize Biggelaar

Well done Laura! From James and family.



Good work mate


Ryan Raff



Go Kadance ✨ lots of love from the Nortons!


Siobhan Liddell

Great work everyone 😀


Jacob Matuschka


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Fran & Brad Ogle

Do it for Lachie and continue to help others 🙏🏻🙏🏻




Kaye Baldwin


Kerrie Joy

Your amazing Linda, keep on being so inspirational, and being such a great role model xx


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Natalie Smith

A fantastic cause. Go Mel, always thinking of you ❤️


Matched By Gonski Foundation & The Gpt Group


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Shelley Humphrey


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Rosalie Grant

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and your mumma's heart. You are so loved friend. So proud of you and your inspiring courage. An honour to support you in this - donation for love, for lives, for Lachie. xx Much love from the Grant Family. xx


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation


Bonus By Reef Shark Foundation



Your the most amazing person ik ❤️ keep it up bby 🫶🫶


Kristy Findlay

Go you! Amazing woman xo


Trevor Grenfell


Edward Gray

I hope you go very well and you all do good.


The Dredge’s

Good on you Kadence. So thoughtful x




Mathew Y


Baxter Holdsworth


Rosalie Grant

Kerrie. You are the amazing, supportive and loving friend everyone deserves. A little donation to support you in your support for a beautiful friend. For love, for lives, for Lachie. xx Love the Grant family. xx


Xavier Mangan

Yeah crack on laz go well


James Brady