Cooktown Swimming Pool

Blog no 6

I swam 26 laps today - 14 this morning and this evening Richard joined me. He swam 10 widths and I did a further 12 laps. A total of 2 km for the week and I've raised over $1,000 now.

Blog no 5

Another glorious day on Cooktown. I've just swum 24 laps. My nasty chesty cough is much better, which helps. I'm glad that I have strong lungs after all the years of playing the French horn. I've yet to meet my Cooktown team mates - although I have met Sienna, but I didn’t know she was in the team. We leave here on Friday. I'm looking forward to a couple of nights in Townsville, where my aqua aerobics commenced in October 2022. Thanks again to my sponsors. Hopefully we'll get to my revised goal of $1,000.

Blog no 4

After an excellent aqua class I swam 12 laps of the 25 m pool. I've now swum 1.3 km and raised $806. Thanks so much everyone who's sponsored me so far. The amount swum goes down to zero on 1st March so I'll have to start again.

Blog no 3

I took Richard with me to Cooktown pool today. I swam 20 laps of the 25m pool. Richard didn't do so many!!

Eleanor's laps for life blog number 2

Oops I've discovered you can't save a blog and go back to it. So, to continue my first ever blog we've now raised $361! Many thanks again. The photo is of the pool I swam in on Wednesday morning, before taking the Cessna from Cairns to Cooktown.

Eleanor's laps for life

Hi Friends Thanks to those who have already sponsored me. Before swimming any laps we already raised over $200. After my Acqua class in Cooktown pool this morning I managed five laps of the 25m pool. My fundraising total is now up to $... (see next blog)

We’re swimming to save lives

Did you know suicide is the leading cause of death for young people in Australia?

That means that each year more young people die by suicide than in car accidents or from cancer.

This March, we’re swimming to make sure young people in Australia have the mental health support they urgently need.

By sponsoring our challenge, you’ll be helping to prevent youth suicide.

All funds raised will help young people feel better about today and the future, no matter what challenge they're facing.

Our Impact

So far this year we helped provide...


Young people with vital mental health support.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Oliver And Rosemary Gravell

Go girl


Brian Joiner


Janice Smith

Wishing you well, best wishes Jan ♥️


Mungumby Enterprise


Matched By Gonski Foundation & The Gpt Group


Facebook Donation


Allison Reichert

Good Luck


Olivia Evans

You go girl! xx


Kate Fern

Go girl xxx


Norma Gillies

Such a wonderful thing to do. Good luck to you and everyone else Norma& Gordon


Sally Eales


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Janelle Dixon


Jenni James

Go Sally!




Eleanor Macdonald


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Lisa Miller


Heather Kelly


Camilla Mair

Well done Eleanor - this is a fantastic effort for a great cause. Xxx


Humphrey Gravell

Well done


Tom Eales

Keep lapping. Good stuff 🤙


Sally Wilson

Best of luck Eleanor. Great cause.





Kathryn Reaby

Good luck honey bunch😘 are you going to wear that hat 😳xx


Kate Eastick

Happy laps, it's an excellent cause!


Kristina Olsen


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Shanelle Buchanan

Love your work Sal! Get those laps in!


Facebook Donation




Matched By Reef Shark Foundation




Facebook Donation


Nash Snider

You go bubs, see you in the pool.


Matched By Pni Foundation & Antipodes Partners


Emma Dixon


Jacqui Bruce

Well done Eleanor! Such a great cause 🥰




Kristina Davidson

You rock!


Gerty Moon


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Rebecca Payne


Stephanie Hook


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Jane Eales

Keep on swimming...Don't bump your head in the shallow end!


Sarah Greaves


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Jeanne Masding


Matched By Reef Shark Foundation


Zahra Wright

Proud of you xx


Rachael Webber

Go Girl xoxo


Mel Long

Keep going you are doing well




Julie Eales

Go Sally -hope the pool not heated ❤️


Matched By Pni Foundation & Antipodes Partners


Elizabeth Olsen


Max Alabakis

Much love, always. X



What a great cause - well done Sally. From the crazies xx


Shirley Sues

You’ve got this Kristina x


Facebook Donation


Jill Dobbs


Ioana Ford


Facebook Donation




Laura Gillham




Sophie Corbett